
Wellness Care and Disease Prevention

There are lots of different things to consider when you become a pet parent. When you register your pet with your veterinarian, one of the first things that they will speak to you about will be her wellness care and preventing the many different diseases that can possibly affect her. It is a common misconception that wellness appointments are an unnecessary effort and expense, but they can save your pet from a great deal of unnecessary pain and suffering. Prevention is also always considerably less expensive than treatment.

Wellness Care and Disease Prevention
Puppy and Kitten Care

Puppy and Kitten Care

There is little greater responsibility than taking care of a new puppy or kitten. Your adorable furbaby may be a bundle of fun, but like any animal, is almost completely reliant on you to make important decisions for her about her care. This includes how to keep her healthy and make sure that she grows properly.

Senior Healthcare

He may not look like it yet, but there is a good chance that your pet is already considered senior in age. Many owners forget that our pets actually age much faster than we do. Like us, this is reflected in both their body and their health. As your pet becomes older, you can expect his behavior and health to be affected. Being able to adapt the care that you provide will enable you to ensure that your pet remains healthy and happy in his golden years.

Senior Healthcare
Types of Pet Surgeries

Types of Pet Surgeries

Surgical procedures can be needed for pets as well as people. Some are elective surgeries, which means that owners choose for their pets to have them because of the benefits that they offer. Other types of pet surgeries are carried out because they are necessary to restore the health and wellbeing of their animal, or to prevent further problems from developing.

Candidates for Pet Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is something that many people have heard of as being used on humans, but far fewer realize that it is also a highly effective treatment that is also being used in veterinary care.

Candidates for Pet Cryotherapy
Weight Management

Weight Management

Shocking statistics reveal that around 59% of cats and 55% of dogs in the United States are classed as being overweight or obese. It isn’t clear exactly what is causing our pets to gain excessive amounts of weight, but changes to manufactured pet foods, a willingness to give treats or human foods more readily and a lack of exercise are believed to be contributing factors.

Chronic Disease Management

There are a wide variety of diseases that can have a negative effect on our pets. Some of these diseases are even considered chronic or long-term illnesses. These situations can be challenging for all pet owners because it takes a heightened level of awareness, attention, and focus on your pet that they did not previously need. It may also mean that your pet acts differently than they used to. However, finding the best solutions for their care can help to improve their quality of life and ensure that they are feeling as good as possible.

Chronic Disease Management
Parasite Control

Parasite Control

No pet owner likes to think about the possibility of their pet having parasites, but the truth is that these pesky organisms are a very common part of pet ownership. Parasites live either inside or on your pet’s body, drawing nutrients directly from them to survive. Some will limit their feeding purely to your animal, whilst some are less fussy and will spread to humans living in your home too if the opportunity arises. No parasitic infection is pleasant for your pet, and some can be deadly. Fortunately, there are ways in which you can keep them safe. Here’s what you need to know about parasite control for your pet.

Zoonosis Consultation

Zoonosis is the term used to describe the transmission of a disease from an animal to a human. Many people are surprised to learn that zoonosis is actually very common, as around 61% of human diseases are believed to originate from animals, making them zoonotic. Not only that, but there are new diseases being discovered every year, and in the last decade, approximately 7% of those have also been found to be zoonotic.

Zoonosis Consultation
Pet Dental Care and Oral Surgery

Pet Dental Care and Oral Surgery

We all understand the importance of getting regular dental checkups for ourselves, but many people overlook those same appointments for their pets. However, when you consider just how important teeth are to a pet, and their inability to communicate when they have minor discomfort, it is easy to recognize how important regular dental checks are. At Harbor Veterinary Clinic, we understand the issues that can affect your pet and offer the ability to correct dental issues in our office with many different dental care and oral surgery options.

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Ashtabula Harbor


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm





Ashtabula Harbor

8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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